Laugh like you've never laughed before

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Who knew Subang Parade could be so much fun?! At first we were just walking around trying to pass time. And then we decided to go to MPH and read a bit. Then I saw Toys R Us. And I thought why not go there? The worst that could happen is we walk out unsatisfied and just go to MPH. Little did I know we would have so much fun. We were the biggest kids there. Pressing all the buttons that said 'Try Me!' The toys they come up with nowadays! There was this robot dog, that had a screen for a face. Basically you talk to it, and command it to do things. First we said 'shake hands', and it's little robotic paw moved up and down. And then we said 'munch', and the little mouth on the screen started munching and we could see food crumbs falling out, as if it was really eating something. SO COOL! There were guns! And masks that would change voices! And so many more. We were laughing so hard by the time we got out.

And then we saw the arcade. Even more fun. Shooting is so fun! I lasted the longest. HA! I so rule shooting. Haha. I lost at racing though :(
And you know that game where you have to whack the target with a hammer real hard and see what your score is. One of us reset the high score! WOO!

After that, we played badminton. We were kinda just playing as fast as we could cos the clouds were getting really dark and the wind was so strong. 2 minutes into the game, and I slipped and fell into the mud. I'm such a clutz. Got mud all over my pants. And we were practically screaming at each other cos we couldn't hear anything.

Then we went for dinner at Sumo. Awesome food. I think we laughed more than we ate though. We laughed at the truck. We laughed at the picture. We laughed at the puffer fish. And from plotting how to steal the chopsticks, we went to planning how to break open the boat, and then thought it would be better to just steal it. Then it went on to us thinking why not just steal the whole table, the picture, the boat, the chopsticks, the mug, the puffer fish, load it all up into the truck and drive off before anyone sees. This may not sound funny to you, but we were laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. And then we joked that they probably wanted us out of the shop quick, they might just let us walk out for free. So we called for the bill. You should have seen the look on the waitress' face and heard the way she said " Oh yes yes!" HAHAHAHA. And yes of course we paid. And no we didn't steal anything :)



Ken Wooi said...

i cant remember the last time i stepped into Toys R Us.. I think it happened when I was a little kid.. =P

anusha said...

kenwooi - u should go again! honestly, it's really fun. take a whole bunch of people with you. :D