A fire truck...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So it was a normal Sunday night. We were all watching this movie on Starworld. It's called "Outsourced". It's a really good movie. Funny, yet at the same time, a bit of an eye-opener. It's about this guy from America who has to go work in India. At first he finds it really hard to adapt to the traditions and customs of the Indian people. Eventually he learns to adapt and realises that life in another country is not too bad after all.

Ok, I'm straying off topic. So yeah, like I said, we were all watching TV, when suddenly I hear something that sounds very much like a mini explosion, and I see this orange flash outside. So we went out to see what had happened, and we saw a fire truck outside. My dad guessed that maybe the transformers blew or something. But whatever it was, my question is, how is it the fire truck was already there? And how come we didn't hear the truck coming? I mean normally you would hear the sirens and everything, right?

HAHA! It's like the mystery of the fire truck or something......OK, no, scratch that.....

Ze fire truck, best picture I could get