I am back

Thursday, November 12, 2009


No my exams are not done...YET. I have one more paper to go and THEN I will be done.

NO MORE CHEMISTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH! (to those of you who are wondering, yes I hated chemistry the most)

The past 3 or 4 months have been a real roller coaster ride. There were so many happy moments, stressed moments, laugh out loud moments, frustrating moments. But it's all over!!! A part of me is overjoyed beyond belief. Yet a part of me wants this to go on forever.....

In one and a half years, I have changed in so many ways, yet I am still me, if that makes any sense. My taste for just about anything has changed. Yet my perceptions have not. I've definitely become more independent. I'm one step closer to finding myself. The one thing that has not changed though, is that I have yet to decide what I want. But I'm getting there. I'm not as lost as before, so I guess that's good. I should be making a decision soon =)

It's probably been the best one and a half years I have had so far. Friendships were made, memories were made, all of which I will not forget.

With all of you, there was never a dull moment. :) I'm going to miss everything..... except for the studying, of course. Haha. Thinking of making a slideshow of all our pictures, just to make each of you all teary and emotional. HAHA!
**to those who still have a few more papers to sit for, go all out for it!! Before you know it you'll be done, and free like me! :D

AND! Season 1 of 'How I Met Your Mother' was so good! Why oh why is season 2 taking forever to download!!


Shin Ying Tan said...

lol,i love ur section about changing yet not changing. u know why;)

anusha said...

haha yes i think i do :D