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Thursday, May 14, 2009

7 to go.

Taking a little break in between all the stress. The week seriously flew by for me. Like one day it was Monday and the suddenly I wake up and its a Sunday morning. Like seriously, where did the rest of the days of the week go????? The only other day that wasn't a blur for me was Wednesday.

Anyways, college seems waaaay packed now. Its like a good thousand students registered for the recent intake. OK I'm exaggerating, but you get my point right? Now it takes a good 10 minutes for the lift to come down, and when it does people rush in and you find yourself waiting another 10 minutes for the next lift. There goes 20 minutes of your day. Sheesh. But it doesn't end there. The lift then stops at every single floor. Even the 2nd floor!!! Take the stairs lah!!! Exercise a bit. Save the people who really need to use the lift some time.

On a random note, ever noticed how babies get excited everytime they see or experience something new? To them even discovering a new corner of the house can become a highlight-of-the-day kinda thing. The smile on their face when they find that new corner, or when you show them a new tune, it makes me smile from ear to ear as well. Yesterday was fun. Filled with words like rememer (remember), Mi-ne mose (Mickey Mouse) and Yehan (Jehan).

Hahahaha. :)


Shin Ying Tan said...

ahahhahaha,yehan :D yes,super cute

anusha said...

damn cute. you should hear him say cookie OMG the cutest 'cookie' ever seriously. Haha! And you should see him dance.
And I saw him at peace ONCE when he was sitting on the swing while i was swinging him. IT's like he's a total different person on the swing. Who knew someone with that kind of hyperness could be so calm. lol

i took a few videos, i'll see if i can send it to you :)