Back to normal

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yeap, as the title says, things are now back to normal. Classes have started, no more sleeping in, you know what I mean. In a way I feel comfortable having some sort of routine in life.

This year is going to be a busy year. I have 2 external papers coming up, plus my piano exams. Doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it is going to be tough. I'm not complaining though. What's life without a challenge? Its weird though, going back to college knowing we're seniors now despite the fact that we've only been in college for half a year.

I miss the holidays :(


Shin Ying Tan said...

lol,i thought i was on the wrong blog.

i like where you are in your life:)

btw superhuman by chris brown :)

anusha said...

hahah! d layout is back 2 normal :P

u do? but y? i'm at d point in life where i'm receiving the most pressure from everywhere. i'm confused n need 2 decide on something real soon or else my future is screwed.

n thx 4 d song :D

Shin Ying Tan said...

u are under pressure, but u sound more ready than ever. that is why. you're getting all grown-up.